Friday, December 31, 2010

Women in Art II: Preparing to Paint
30 x 40 Oil on Linen

Artists who painted illuminated manuscripts expressed their love of God. In the Renaissance artists painted for the church, after that for wealthy patrons. Early nineteenth century paintings glorified nature. Late nineteenth century paintings celebrated art for art's sake. The twentieth century focused on the deconstruction and finally the death of painting. The current art of the image is video. End of story. Well not quite. The rise of photography was expected to put an end to painting too. But painting coexists peacefully with photography, as it will with video and digital imaging and whatever else comes next. The question is not will painting survive, but what will the artists paint, and for whom, and what will they have a burning desire to express and glorify and celebrate in the 21st and 22nd and 23rd centuries.....


myra anderson said...

this is magnificent!

Unknown said...

I hope the future doesn't look like Stanly Kubrick's 2001, I'm not sure I would be inspired to paint it if it's too antiseptic.

Eulalia Benejam Cobb said...

I especially like the feeling of space in this painting--a very cozy space.

Karen Winslow said...
